SG Standard

New Donglover song! He's channeling Michael Jackson by way of "Maggot Brain", and it WORKS.

Agreed on all points. I had been worried about Wisconsin and Michigan since the primaries, especially considering the big polling miss in Michigan. She got too focused on winning in a landslide and lost sight of what she needed to do just to win.

He is!

Voyager had some good moments. The "Year of Hell" two parter was top notch Trek (inevitable reset button aside), the Species 8472/Seven of Nine intro arc, "Nemesis", "Timeless", "Future's End", "The Thaw"…and that's just off the top of my head. It's not the most consistent from week to week, but when it was on, it was

Yeah, anybody who thinks the Democrats can swing the Senate in two years probably isn't looking at a map. But with two years of Presidential mismanagement they might be able to fend off some challenges that might otherwise have gone somewhere.

Here's something to be happy about: somebody gave Luc Besson a lot of money to make a sci-fi flick, and he did Luc Besson things with it.

The upside to this is that the impending robot revolution might not be as close as we've feared.


Based on my past experience with Ryan Murphy shows, liming the number of episodes is the best decision he could possibly make.


Never have I needed anything more than I needed "In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit".

I slept better, mostly because I keep managing to forget this is all really happening. I have moments where it doesn't seem real and then something happens to smack me right back to reality.

TNG and TOS are better Trek shows, but DS9 is a better TV show.

Hahaha we're even more fucked than we already were.

Hell yes. It has been far, far too long since I've done a deep dive into DS9. I've been meaning to watch it from stem to stern for a while now. I caught most of it in syndication in college and it is such a great show.

Well that answers that question!

I started The Hobbit, per Gussie's excellent suggestion. I also went to an Ingrid Michaelson concert with my girlfriend, and while my only previous exposure to Ingrid Michaelson had been her songs that have been used in commercials, I had a good time. She closed with a cover of "I'm Too Sexy", which was fun to the

Distractions and normalcy are comforting in times of stress. So maybe productivity will go up across the US now?

Trump's America involved ten police cars lining the streets in the gay nightlife hub of Atlanta, most likely in case some schmuck Trump voter felt empowered to do something stupid. So that's a great start.

I'll run outside and remind them right quick.