SG Standard

Based on the concept of natural selection, those people should have been weeded out of the gene pool generations ago. Stop proving Darwin wrong, humanity.

I'm sorry, Loki.

I have indeed found the same thing. I had to force myself to eat a small lunch at about 2 pm.

They have no specifics to offer because he has no specifics to offer. He's an amorphous blob of hateful bluster.

We can only hope that they don't age into conservatives.

Even IM3? It was surprisingly Shane Black-y. Like, I could point to parts of that as having a writer/director's personal stamp on it, like I can with Joe Johnston and The First Avenger or James Gunn in GotG.

He's terrifying, but he'll be gone in 4-8 years. The people who voted for him aren't going anywhere, and they're having children.

I think there's a big divide between the first couple Iron Mans, The Incredible Hulk, and Thor when compared to Iron Man 3, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Doctor Strange. The only early MCU film that feels truly distinctive to me is The First Avenger.

There's probably gonna be a war. Whoever takes over in 2020 will likely immediately have to send us into Eastern Europe full bore, or they'll have to reconcile themselves to a revived Soviet Union gobbling up territory.

That'll be more telling, for sure. It wouldn't surprise me if they followed the Marvel model of slowly making the films more and more distinctive, but there's a chance that they feel like Star Wars is so well established that they can stretch earlier on.

Yeah, it's a symptom of the same problem, but it's a well executed symptom. I would also argue that Disney had a major interest in returning Star Wars to its roots to prove to people that the prequels were an aberration as opposed to the new norm for the franchise, so it's not as pointless as some of the others.

There's no way to know how any of this is going to play out. It is utterly unpredictable. He could surround himself with the greatest conservative minds of a generation and then decide to launch nukes for shits and giggles. He could surround himself with sycophants and yes men and decide to behave like an adult. He

Part of me thinks that he's so obsessed with his own image that he'd pick the best cabinet possible so his presidency (Christ almighty, I can't believe I just typed that) goes down as a success, but a bigger part of me thinks he's gonna use the nation as his personal playpen and just wants a bunch of yes-men enablers

No chance. His cabinet will be Gingrich, Giuliani, Carson, at least three people with the last name of "Trump", and a brand new Secretary of Media and Information post to be filled by Steve Bannon.

That didn't take long. So who's next? North Korea?

Ok, now that 12% has no excuse.


Nifty. Getting to write a paper like that means you've made some excellent decisions in life.

I stopped watching a while back. Do you mind elaborating?

It's fucking bizarre that the same thing is happening all over the world, all at the same time.