

... David Harbour revealed season three includes several references to the films of 1985.

You can tell she’s a Communist because she publicly owned that show.

Indiana Jones and the Quest to Redeem an Expired Coupon for 30% off an Early Bird Special at Denny’s. 

The Long Night/Obi-Wan Kenobi...

No thank you. Nothing against Keri, she’s great. But the whole alure of the Star Wars franchise is that the main characters have been unknowns thrust into the public eye.

The last few episodes are the reason why Steven Universe is such an amazing show. It’s a mainstream cartoon where for most of the episode the characters sit down and talk about their feelings in a mature and sincere manner.It’s hard to think of any other animated TV show aimed at children that would do these sorts of

Lungs might forever remain my favorite Florence and the Machine album (though How Big, How Blue came pretty close), but I appreciate how this one remains introspective without needing to bust out into a huge arena anthem every song. It’s brisk but mature.

I’m here before someone says something disparaging about one of my favorite games of all-time - which still holds up - just to troll me.

You see, that right there illustrates how much the TLJ haters utterly and completely do not understand Star Wars. They may know the canon back and forth, but don’t understand.

If you think Luke is “too much of a pussy” to resort to violence, then you don’t understand ANYTHING Yoda taught Luke in ESB and you don’t

B-But... It didn’t match the Luke fanfic in my head that I spent 30 years working on!

I know you’re in your feelings about this movie and I respect that, but I have to point out something:

Also? I don’t think he’ll ever get the recognition he deserves for it, but this was one of his finest performances. And I say this as someone who has loved his voice acting over the years and think he’s a tremendously underrated talent. He brought so many layers of emotion to every line that I could not pay attention

It’s funny that he’s finally now getting to it, when from the start I thought it was incredibly brave to make Luke be a Kenobi-esque recluse, but without the expectation of someone like himself to hang his hope on. Again, the core theme of The Last Jedi was “What do our heroes do when everything goes wrong?” and pushin