
Well, that keeps who they kill off in Infinity War a surprise :).

The Big German showing you how to hold up three fingers.

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She’s adorable but it’s hard to go against Chya Mayo.

And for one, brief, shining series, that catch was one of the best catches in Super Bowl history.

Marshawn Lynch - “I’m looking for someone with some melanin, you know?”

8:12 - Conan asks Gronk how much he weighs.

Where’s the superman?

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Track: Sweet Thing (Live at the Hollywood Bowl) | Artist: Van Morrison | Album: Astral Weeks

This right here. This and ACLU lawyers rushing in to defend the civil rights of people unjustly detained in airports. The protesters spilling into the streets. The indefatigable dedication to inclusivity, kindness, and standing up for the vulnerable, the marginalized, the voiceless...

This is me on most days. Hopelessly befuddled by everything but then suddenly realizing I have a pint of Chunky Monkey left in the freezer.

Poor Uncle Ben, the Kenny of the Marvel universe.

I need to know what happened to Uncle Ben (played by John Cusack). His fate was left ambiguously open during CW.

Spoilers: his parents (both named Martha) were killed in a back alley while leaving a movie theatre.

That would actually be great if they could put the whole “Death of Uncle Ben” on screen. We need the full origin story!

Cool, I’ve always wondered how he became spiderman. Now we’ll finally find out.