
I would have gone wireless as much as possible and used a picture frame to hide the routing of wires. I would even go so far as to Router out grooves in the picture frame for a nearly cable-less look. And definitely go ahead an use the back of that what appears to be wood painted silver to pull wires through holes

Sadly, I am on comcast, but I don't watch TV. I use DVR.

I wish that new linksys router i got tricked into buying was capable of DD-WRT. I am looking at those new pre-installed Buffalo routers now.

Have they tried turning it on and off again?

I can beat this system.

OR, have a job where you define your own hours and nobody cares if you walk in a hour late...

BTW if you need to unlock, or hacktivate, don't follow this "guide".

TO BE CLEAR. The compatability shown in the picture is for ONE SPECIFIC PACK. Each pack only has certain elements included, and the amount of things included for each version of windows depends wholly on the creator of the pack.

@Karbrino: lol, i didn't know that a hype could last for 6+ years. Besides, a new patch it coming out, good luck with that.

I use the matte one from Phone Devil. I'm sorry, but that piece of film, while great idea for free, has nothing on the matte protector. Light is diffused, which results in longer viewing time before eye strain. Plus I DON"T see finger prints. I can eat a piece of chicken, roughly wipe my hand, (obviously, excess

LOL. I guarantee her audience being MOTHERS love that they are being saved from buying their kids this accessory.

@sweetelectro: my parents and family-in-law get sciHD and they are on charter. I really don't like Comcast. I was on charter for 15 years, and then I moved. Charter was at least the Evil-I-Knew.

Best solution. Make sure than every home gets Discovery and Science channel for free. Lots of great shows on those channels. But for some reason Comcast doesn't dole out Science HD with their HD package.

I'm scared...

....I just unpack an .iso with winrar and then delete the autorun file.

Oh No! No ! No!.....This will prompt Tom Cruise to try and make ANOTHER come back. Except he won't need to stand on a wooden box and have them shoot from low angles.

So can I also deduce that leaving a hot iron on my hand is bad.... I mean seriously, the original article on tv talked about a kid playing games, who said it was getting hot and just kept playing. I'm sorry if this is rude, but he is an idiot.

"So, we need a plan to meet up, ...wait..what are you doing here already?!?"

But what happens when I get push-button-itis? That is a severe condition prohibiting my ability to press buttons.