
If it does not have Sense like the Pic shows, then I will be dropping my old iphone 3g (which I can't use 3g on tmobile anyways)

and now that this has been discovered, the best time will change since everyone will start booking then....

I got in where the article was first posted. And from what I have seen so far. I can't wait to really start using it.

But I thought we, as humans, enjoyed being lied to. Why else would the movie industry be as big as it is?

@doyle.dan: i thought we were talking about a phone. don't you know that smoking is bad for you?

is that the best tin foil hat ideas you can come up with? ah well...probably

any reason the leaker redacted part of the phones carrier logo...

@tw@t: nah...only beavers do that.

2 feet? I would have tried to pick it up...

assassin...."No mom, I swear I wasn't looking for a$$ pron!!"

@octoSink: lol i don't waste my money on that avatar crap. No one really ever sees it.

@Nitemancometh: should... for a proprietary drive.

I did that deal where I traded my old xbox and all of the bad decision games and accessories for the new one with 250GB. All in all I payed 90 bucks out of pocket and I got wireless N and the hugh HD out of the deal. (upgrade from 20GB). The wireless N adapter is $100. So I feel like I stuck it to the man on that

why not just hack together a wireless power unit. a couple of coils of wire and a capacitor, if you are worried about not making the coils the exact same, use a regulator.

Finally, I was worried that hollywood was going to choose to die than evolve.

@nahde: having just visited what i would consider a country in between third world and USA. (insert correct political language here) Your attempt at humor is sadly more or less true. Between the yellow screen fiasco and who knows what else, he probably is yelling at sla....i mean employees

@Jonathan Strange: To be honest, I am referencing the somewhat frequent talks these two have together. But at the same time, I am not recognizing either companies business successes. Bill Gates has always been really into helping charities. I don't think I have ever heard about Steve doing much of anything.

The ball is in your court Steve.

@Sesheron: actually, look at what appears to be a button or switch at the bottom of the shiny black area. Reminds me of the iPhone mute toggle switch