(Not a Cop)

Earnest Goes to Camp

I kinda want to change my legal name to Dog Jones.

:::::helps you down from the pinball machine:::::

Ned Beatty still making that Deliverance sequel, he swears

You had my curiosity… but now you have my attention.

And Burt Reynolds really did kill that guy with an arrow.

"You are meddling with the primal forces of banjos!"

Played by Benedict Cucumberbatch.

Vic Morrow in:

"I do not like them either but I like new houses.
I do not like them either but I like money for new blouses."

Kanye raped my childhood peanut butter sandwiches.

What's that? Two stories that aren't even meaty enough to last more than two paragraphs by themselves?

You know who else doesn't come without ribbons?

Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun the frumious Cumberbatch!

According to porn, you just have to be a step-something.

I support dual story articles.

I joined Howl for the free trial and listened to WTF episodes I had previously skipped because they were not in my wheelhouse at the time.

That was great. I loved Lurie describing what he hated about what they did to his Conan theme. Which I tend to agree with.

A gentlemen never tells.