(Not a Cop)

cow < herd
bear < sleuth
fish < school
juggalo < gathering
solace < quantum

And episodes of "16 and Pregnant".

I know how you feel. I had a phase where I ate a lot of kumquats.

The A.V. Club


I hope the Taco Bell Arena is not a dome.

That's called "The Stanley Steamer".

I saw The Stray Cataracts perform there.

He's equal parts funky and cold.

*finds a new definition of pain and suffering, as I am slowly digested over a thousand years*

I wanna rock and roll all night
And take Centrum Silver every day!

The worst is when you search for something specifically and then it just suggests similar-esque types of movies.

I read that on a frisbee once.

I'm curious if anybody is like me. Has anybody ever spent a half hour looking for something to put on specifically because you just want something on in the background for when you go to sleep?

Dave Thomas levels of intense.

"Annie, there's a Rob Schneider behind the refrigerator. I can't get it out. This thing's heavy. Maybe if I put a little dish of butter sauce here with a nutcracker, it will run out the other side."

"Is that a price raise in your pocket or are you just happy to stream me?"

Or how about a book? Books are essential tools. Where would we be without books? Let’s say you’re playing frisbee with a friend and an errant throw lands the disc in a tree. You could get the frisbee out of the tree by throwing a book at it, and then when you’re done, just put the book back on the shelf and play

Next time I get pulled over by a cop, I'm gonna tell him that I'm a Netflix subscriber and I "pay your salary".