(Not a Cop)

It's 25 minutes after 6 to 4.

Yes, I have a photo of me sitting on Archie Bunker's toilet.

That's a movie that should have stopped at 1.

I've used the men's room and the women's room at the Hall of Fame in Cleveland. The men's room is better. Less drama in the men's room. Nobody is hitting you with their purse.

The original Austin Powers was a flop. But gained traction on VHS.

How impolite.

She had her sweat glands removed for the Oscars, but she has an installation scheduled for next week.

Put your keys in this punch bowl and let's get this party started!

It's just a broken lullaby.

Also, Oblivion was his previous movie, and it confused people.

What's brown and rhymes with thetan?

Blade: Trinity

Electrocute him with an e-meter, Skeeter.

Blunt Force Trauma

When Alexander saw the breadth of his Hoveround, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer.

Have mercy.

Tomorrow Never Dies (Unlike Tom Cruise's Character)