(Not a Cop)

I call my diarrhea "The Cannonball Runs".

Like flyfishing on Neptune.

Neil Patrick Hairless

I kinda liked the movie. It had a certain visual style that was appealing. I immediately knew the girl was gonna be in a bunch of stuff because she's quite pretty (and I mean that in the most non-creepy way possible).

Only if the tacos were super spicy.

I know Titus was around for an insane amount of years (3) but why keep casting Stacy Keach in sitcoms?

"In 1995, Steve Peters had no money. He was a public school teacher, so his opinion wasn't worth very much. But then, in 1996, he won the lottery, and he was a great man. Greater than Einstein, who made very little. But then, guess what this genius-for-a-day does. He goes and gives his money to charity! Now he's about

Invest in Warburtons

I like Krulwich, but he doesn't look like what he sounds like. In my mind, I picture Higgins from Fallon.

It was alright. The first fifteen minutes was centered about Penny met a dinosaur clips, then there was The Contest Ruiner, Elliott's song about a letter being murdered, somebody with a letter ragging on Head of the Family, and I don't know what else, the genesis of Ca-a-age.

I started listening to Superego. I was under the impression that all their episodes were behind a paywall, but there's a good chunk available for subscription. Some hilarious stuff, great production, but I'm kinda binge-listening to it, which might be driving me a little insane.

Paramount is willing to settle out of court if the makers of the fan film take full credit for the dumpster fire known as Star Trek Beyond.

"There's precedent on the starboard bow, starboard bow, starboard bow…."

The last 2 episodes. Tonight's episode and the one with the beet cookies.

Shane would be running an extortion racket like Negan.

Paula Walnuts.

Glenn feels like he's immune from death for awhile.

We'll probably find out next week. I'm guessing some retaliation is in order.

I'm curious how long Xander Berkeley is gonna last.