
Vote: Trello

Solid product. Gets a touch warm but they know this. There is even a warning to remind you to take the plastic skin of the top of the unit because it will melt of you don't. LOL

VOTE: Anker® Uspeed USB 3.0 7-Port Hub + 2 Charge-Only Ports - 5V 2.1A and 5V 1.5A, 12V 4A Power Adapter and 3.5-foot USB 3.0 Cable Included

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about... All of the equipment in the cockpit is shielded from radio signals to avoid interference. No number of mobile phones can affect the equipment despite your extensive 'scientific' experiment that you seem so proud of. And do you really think an airline or an

“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons ganondorf exists, but because they tell us that dragons ganondorf can be beaten.”
-Neil Gaiman, edited by me.

This seems like something I would of seen back then on ZOOM or in between Arthur episodes on PBS.

Seriously one of the best time saving tricks.
Knock out all the crap and you'll be surprised how much time we actually have.
But of course, it's such a difficult thing to master these days.

And in a slightly (un)related note: