Consoles are becoming PC's. You all know it's true. I play games in my living room through my projector connected to my PC, I play games at my desk at work, I play games on my laptop which I take on the go.
Consoles are becoming PC's. You all know it's true. I play games in my living room through my projector connected to my PC, I play games at my desk at work, I play games on my laptop which I take on the go.
@Josh: I've played it randomly through friends and schoool (360 & PC) all experiences led back to my first statement.
@Josh: If PC games released at $60 I can guarantee you'd see a huge increase in pirating. Huge.
@spykr: Played it on 360 & people have it installed on our school network, not gonna buy nor download crap.
@thaKingRocka: It's also why people pirate @_@
Congratulations. Millions of you just signed your soul over to the devil ._.
There's only 2 fighters I still play to this day and those are the Smash Bros. & Marvel vs Capcom series.
I find it so sad that this game when first announced had me going fan-crazy. I told everyone that it would be "amazing!" and so much better than the first. Then little by little, news began to sprout which slowly started to change my opinion. I had a group of friends who were in the exact same boat as me and now we…
@IamTheS: I think it's cause it's one of those games that literally anyone can play especially through Facebook which is basically a social cliche.
This is when I return to WoW @_@
Black & White 2 could of been so great with online u.u
All this because they didn't give us our servers. You dirty whores.
If you're a true comic book fan, you'd never go over to digital. It's similar to books.
I LOVE that movie. I still can't understand how 90% of the kills occur!
Makes sense though. I'd rather design games than go through the coding because that's basically learning an entire language on its own.
Why do I have the feeling that if I do bookmark that link, i'll end up with an empty kotaku page ._.?
I think the picture in this article needs to be bigger .
I used to be a heavy Rainmeter user until Windows 7 =\
Why do we always talk about GameStop? I tried giving them a chance but after all the crap I had to go through, I gave up.
Imagine if he's never tried using a motorcycle :] I can see it so clearly. Some spy's bust in and hold everyone hostage, he jumps out the window and gets on his bike, starts it up and as soon as it begins to move forward it falls to the side, camera zooms WAY out and the motorcycle explodes.