@DocSeuss: Yeah, I honestly don't know why they never put PC next to consoles...
I would actually like to see some mice release with these kind of grips. Like my Sidewinder x8 :ID
I would actually like to see some mice release with these kind of grips. Like my Sidewinder x8 :ID
@CrypticSin: The way I read this makes me rofl beyond measure. Then again it is 3am.
I'd do SO much for them to put Ocarina of Time on this. I don't care if it's remade graphic wise or if they use the exact same N64 graphics.
@breadofwonder: Yeah, that's why I adore them :ID but I meant towards consoles since they seem to get the most crappy DLC x.x
@Goldwings: Giving Kotaku sunshine since 07: It's just the thought that by the 3rd DLC (maybe 2nd) they'll have put down over 80% of what they payed for the game in the first place.
@Karth is Ego Tripping: Yeah but I meant on consoles :ID
@iceman345: It's not only bad in price but it's also bad in the sense that those who buy it are showing support to this crap. Don't support something that went from free to $15 including old contet T_T
@AmataPsyche: The first mistake was fucking over PC gamers with MW2 in general. Because then we'd just make the damn maps ourselves, free of charge ._.
@DeadlyWhispers: Yeah, probably this DLC comes with more content that you can unlock on the next DLC =IO!
Remember when this stuff used to be free?
@excaleranth: rofl that's all he said! it's not even a tip or anything haha
Golly, i'd love to work at Valve one day.
@Rambozo: Wow wish I looked this up myself haha Truly appreciate it :ID
@omgwtflolbbl: :IO I should of looked this up years ago haha tyty!
@Microshock: Well I play both L4D and L4D2 with friends from across America. The problem is that each time we play we spend literally 20+ minutes entering server after server until we all have good enough ping. Most of the time we'll all have 400+ and you just can't play with that. And if it's a public game, most…
@digiboy123: Problem is that the world we live in now desensitized us to the point that what we should consider scary or horror is now just laughable. Just like how most horror films these days can get to us only by torture or cliche suspense.
I miss the original Resident Evil and Silent Hill. Those games truly had me scared as a kid.