
I’m pretty sure he thought I was a dumbass because he looked at me like I didn’t understand him. I knew it was the other way around, so I just let him. He finally got fired this past year for getting upset over a female hire and literally telling our boss that he should know that he doesn’t work well with women (we’re

It was so bad and vile that after reading about the third one, I couldn’t help but start laughing. Not because I like what she said - God no - but because it was just so... blatant and raw... I think I went into hysterics, like when I actually got called a “beta male cuck” by a coworker a couple years ago just for

I dunno. I could use a new pair, and I bet his are pretty nice.

Eh, could be from out of town. My sister is only 100 miles away, and though I see her fairly often, most of the people I know at work and even outside of work have only met her maybe once, at most, because usually when we meet up, it’s to meet up outside of a friend group style social setting.

I’m fairly certain she almost always defined it after saying it, anyway - “... a little EVOO - extra virgin olive oil...”. I’m fairly certain it was just a matter of having a trademark catchphrase like "BAM!"

Just watched (the incredible) “The Rider” yesterday for the first time and found out while doing research that Marvel has also hired Chloe Zhao to direct their Eternals film, which will not primarily focus on just a female lead, so there’s that, too. Though there's apparently going to be a romantic aspect between the

I meant more Pluto TV, which is more like Hulu than live TV.

Viacom likely hoping to bait users with the fringe channels and pony up for the main one in some fashion, such as their apparently forthcoming standalone streaming service.

What’s a Tim Conway?

Really?! I never would've guessed that. And I thought I hated the yeti designs in Smallfoot!

Ah. Well... ... [sees self out door]

Here’s my distinction: James Gunn’s jokes are considered distasteful because they made light of pedophilia but were made with the goal of illiciting laughs through shock value - that someone would be so casual about something so disgusting. The roundabout way it acknowledges pedophilia as terrible is the key factor

Porky actually started off pretty fat (picture is from his first appearance, and I’m pretty sure he got fatter at some point) and only became more of the adorable piglet he’s been for the past several decades later on. If anything, they’ve gone back to the original concept. ... Still don’t like the character designs

Now playing

That looks like the metal creature from Pink Floyd’s “Welcome to the Machine,” does it not?

Shhh! You want to get sued? ... It's clearly "Marvelous Captain," an entirely original character like American Captain and Thur.

My mom stalked them when they did a free show in Japan on the Misawa air base back in the late 90s after she spotted their bus on base at the temporary living facilities. After a short while, they headed out off base to a Japanese-owned country bar called Rhinestones. (No, seriously, it was an actual country music bar

I still wear them, regardless of the cool factor. (I mean... apart from temperature...) I can’t pull off most other shorts, in my opinion, and I’d rather not stick my wallet where I’m sitting nor in my front pocket to bulge out, so, fashionability be damned, I’m wearing them, all while being jealous of the other very

One ticket to the 1:35 showing of “O(+>,” please!

I think there’s a significant difference between continuing to play a franchise character at a certain age and being initially cast as an ongoing franchise character at a certain age.

For the record, I don’t even recall what any LaCroix flavors taste like. We also sold those, and occasionally I’d have one if they were available, and it was a fine enough substitute for soda and plain water but nothing I recall being worthy of so much praise or derision. But then again, I also enjoy coconut water AND