
Not exactly? She says she felt violated and that “the love and tenderness, which he normally exhibited towards me, was absent.” But she says she doesn’t consider it criminal rape.

This is what I don’t get about the “Clinton’s team said it first” defense. Even if that’s true, it was said in the heat of a close campaign, and was dropped pretty fast because it was clearly untrue. It’s indefensibly nasty, but so is a lot of other campaign mudslinging.

I think I get it now. So yes on not saying Oriental unless you’re describing a specific style of rug, no on telling Chrissy Teigan her feelings about the term are problematic? If that’s it, we’re agreed. It seemed obvious to me that of course it’s an outdated and arguably offensive word that shouldn’t normally be

I’m not sure why you’re being so hostile. All that I was trying to get across was that, as a white person, I don’t like it when other white people decide to lecture PoC about racism. (Or when straight people lecture gay people about LGBT issues, or when men lecture women about feminism.) It almost always feels rude

He’s like 10. How much did we see Malia and Sasha outside photo ops during the first Obama campaign? I think Trump is a loathsome human being and probably a worse father, but keeping his preteen child’s life as normal as possible for now is one of the few halfway decent things he’s doing.

Do we really have to have the conversation about “no, adoption really ISN’T that easy anymore” again? Experiences vary, but in most of the US getting a healthy infant or toddler of any race is a long, expensive, difficult process. Adopting from foster care is slightly easier than a private adoption, but the state will

I feel like if Asian people want to yell at Chrissy Teigan about how she should feel about the term Oriental, at least they have a reason to care. White people, not so much.

It’s weird that you’re acting like taking a photo takes more than 5 seconds. It’s not enough of a delay to make any difference. The picture will also be valuable evidence if, e.g., the mom’s lawyer claims later that she wasn’t unconscious.

One of my least favorite internet phenomenons is when someone inside a marginalized group comments about their personal feelings on something directly affecting them, and a hundred people from outside that group jump on them to explain why the way they feel is Wrong.

I voted Nader in 2000. I bought the same stuff you’re saying now hook, line and sinker. Gore was a corporate shill, there was almost no difference between him and Bush, the two-party system was immoral and elitist, blah de fucking blah. Oh, and also I was voting in a safe Republican state and watned to register a

Thanks! I’ll look at it for next summer. She does love nature, so something like that might be great for her.

If your SIL also has an ex who’s not the best at actually paying his child support and is trying to do all this on an educator’s salary, I’d ask how we managed to marry into the same family.

She totally couldn’t have won on this one. If she’d stayed at Chelsea’s apartment for the rest of the day, people would say she was hiding. If she left in a wheelchair or obviously leaning on someone, the take would be that she was at death’s door and it looked more serious than pneumonia.

Gotta admit, there are definitely days that find me plotting an escape. My husband went to high school in Fairfax so he’s used to this shizz and mostly just rolls his eyes at it, but I haven’t reached that level of zen yet.

Thanks! I was thinking about the general issue yesterday because I got into a conversation with the other Girl Scout moms that left me feeling poor because we can’t afford $12,000 sleepaway summer camp. (I live in Northern Virginia, where the incomes and the children are both above average.) And then I read something

I sympathize with Jennifer, but at the same time, there are times when the smart thing to do is to keep your mouth shut. And when you’re the 1% and want to complain that you aren’t the 0.05%, that would be the time.

He doesn’t actually know what a debate is, which is not a surprise. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out he didn’t quite know what shoes were.

I think you’d absolutely need duct tape or whatever the rich people equivalent is. Even if you’re young and/or surgically enhanced, boobs aren’t stationary enough to stay under that thing.

I have absolutely no problem with shipping in general, especially when it's done as more playful rooting than as "if you don't want this character to be queer you are homophobic and should feel bad." (Which is a very real thing in slash fandom. Spend an afternoon on Tumblr if you don't believe me.)

Exactly. The cut of the front isn’t my favorite, but I can see why people would like it. The side is just a world of no.