
If she loses, I think it’s going to be mostly the media’s fault for making her completely typical behaviors into SCANDALS. I have a journalism degree and work as a trade reporter, but the hate-on for the Clintons is just bizarre and sad. The mainstream press gets so much criticism for being too liberal (because, as

Right? I wouldn’t blame the teacher if she had made the girl put the shoes in her cubby if it was truly disruptive. She could even send home a note asking the parents to put her in different shoes. But putting them in the trash is just cruel.

Or even a different classroom at the same school? If I were Taraji’s parent, that would be what I’d ask for.

As I said elsewhere, it’s always a weird moment when people who seem to consider themselves feminist start sounding like evangelical Christians. Your reasoning is different, but the end result — “protecting” women from a setting you deem inappropriate and unfeminine — is the same.

Which part of, women do not want to go and kill strangers and commit violence against other women and children do you not understand?

All right. If an (incredibly unlikely) situation broke out where a draft was needed, I do think that draft should include women. First, because — just in terms of numbers — you’re going to get a better conscripted force if you aren’t eliminating half the pool right off the bat. Second, because exempting women plays

Now you’re being intentionally absurd. I support women’s choices when I would support the same choices made by men, and I don’t think you seriously thought I meant anything else. I personally wouldn’t want to enlist, but if someone else does — male or female — they should go for it.

I was watching a movie in my dorm that night, and at the end of the movie we turned on the news.

Is anybody a tattoo expert? I’m curious how the abdomen tattoos can look so perfect when the skin’s that stretched. Is it just makeup?

“NO ONE IS GETTING DRAFTED” is a strawman in my opinion.

The only comment I’ll make is that I didn’t mean to blame women for not enlisting — I see why you read it that way, but what I meant was that it’s a circle. Women don’t enlist, so the army remains disproportionately male and sexist, so women don’t enlist, et cetera.

Sigh. I’m not talking about “forcing” anyone to do anything, because NO ONE IS GETTING DRAFTED. Nobody. It hasn’t happened since 1973. And most people don’t expect the draft to *ever* be reinstated, given how complex military roles have become. It’s a strawman.

I don’t know the source for the statistics you’re using, but it’s worth pointing out that until 2011 men could be discharged for reporting same-sex rape under Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. That alone calls the male numbers into question — reporting a rape could mean losing everything. (Though I’ll grant you that even true

That’s ... insane pretzel logic, there. Of course I don’t want anybody to be raped, and the fact you think that’s what I’m saying is insulting.

Change that to it’s legitimate grounds for NOBODY to want to be part of the military, and I’d even agree.

Except a)nobody’s actually been conscripted in 40 years, so it’s pretty much a a moot point and b)men get raped in the military a whole fucking lot.

And also, what agenda does it even serve? As far as I know, they don’t screen men who want to serve in the military for “cannot be raped.” It’s a nonsensical point.

That’s so interesting! Let me introduce you to my friend so you can tell her about it.

I seriously loved her on Chuck , and I can see this working even if she is a few years young. Her character on Chuck, Sarah, was a career spy: She had to do a lot of hiding her emotions behind icy competence. I can see being an officer’s wife in Gilead as calling for similar skills.

At that point, it’s clearly a compulsion or addiction. Huma’s making the right choice, but I still hope Weiner can get himself together for the sake of his son.