
Great Screenshot Choice, Patricia!
That high quality sheen & gloss really stands out on the car with the blur highlighting the foreground.

Also, Rockstar should take notes from these mods and actually implement them as updates. Especially for psychic police.
Keep up the news with the GTA V mods posts.
I learn about them

Destiny: Legend of Zelda DLC Confirmed

Navi controls all Oracles. Confirmed.

That Dr Canavero needs to do more research on Kojima. I’d be happy to be in a game even I was a Doctor. You know, Instead of a one time case of sueing... I’d rather gain popularity in my work than anything else and my passion for my works grows even greater because more supporters— that Fanbase growth.

Japanese people like the idea of Italians in their games, Don’t they? *ahem*coughcough super mario.

Well, Abbreviations and acronyms isn’t totally banned and anyone who is internet savvy should know the short for Rockstar is “ R* “ or LOL (laugh out loud), etc, afaik

Let that sink in for a moment

I LOVE the METROID PRIME series! (along with the rest of the Metroid Franchise)

No one was there anymore, of course. To Yannick, this was just another field in Destiny, and the Loot Cave was just another cave. Clearly I wasn't conveying its historical significance emphatically enough. "This was the cave," I said, "That defined Destiny." He still didn't get it. I guess you had to be there.

I'll gladly play the next expansion, House of Wolves, and not just because it's my job. But the game is beginning to wear on me and on those I play with. If Bungie asks us to exchange our gear and re-level our exotics for the second time in six months, it may finally be too much for even the most ardent players. The

There's another Crota bug that causes him to leap down from his platform and follow you onto the ground, killing your team about as quickly as an indestructible god would. More than once, that bug or the one before it, caused us to fail in an otherwise flawless battle. I tell you what, nothing gets me reaching for my

For months now, there's been a bug where any armor that increases your heavy ammo capacity causes you to lose precious heavy ammo every time you respawn. It's been unpatched for ages and is maddening.

The first time someone told my team about the LAN exploit, we thought he was kidding. Nope: Not kidding. The first time I did it, went up to my PS4 and yanked out the cable mid-battle, it worked like a charm. That is some old-school, Halo 2-era shit, right there.