
The Bammer is a gottdanged national treasure.

now that he’s admitted it, can we find every jock-ass frat bro online who accused these women of making shit up, make them choke on a rhino dick while throwing them into a dumpster fire? it’s not too much to ask.

ellen page rules. ricky’s daughter has done well for herself.

this is great, but he could wear a shirt and hide it. forehead.

i would pay a full month’s salary to watch this piece of shit hang himself by his giant boxer briefs in a holding cell.

man, this is so sad to read. i feel stupid for how surprised i catch myself feeling at how many men are getting called out for creepy shit. i feel stupid cuz i realize that women have known this shit FOREVER and the rest of the world (like me) is finally just catching on.

any kardashian should be forced to complete a basic math problem before they can be given any publicity.

Kurt Metzger is a turd.

this. 100% this. it’s the perfect way for them to punish women while also catering to their base of adherents to an obsolete, cruel, tribal and superstitious religion.

never trust a cop.

for real. all looking like a damn cut-rate kevin smith.

complete trash. that “rapping” is beyond terrifying. my ears just got full blown AIDS.

“bless you” is stupid because it has a dumb religious connotation to it.

yeah, it’s just a tape of 911 calls reporting the deaths of people who could easily have been helped my medicine.

fake news.

i’m sure losing a loved one is brutal, but i’d hope the grief didn’t turn me into a logic-depraved greedpig.

imagine how unfulfilling and empty your life must be to want to become an ICE agent. in the application process, you have to prove that - as a child - you jerked off to episodes of COPS.

as long as the perpetrators are bringing in money, nothing will change.

wimp-ass liberals just LOVE to look for the good in monstrous people. 51% of democrats should realize they’re on the wrong goddamn team. no actual progressive would give gwb the time of day.

because she’s annoying, vapid, and produces truly terrible music.