
not to be a complete jerk, but I honestly feel like this attitude is why we still have such a long way to go with how CSA is dealt with and why there are so, so, so, so many abusers who get away with is for decades and decades and have scores and scores of victims: because it is uncomfortable and upsetting and a lot

I really thought everyone knew this...

Seriously. There are no words for how disgusting and inexcusable that is.

As one of the signatories, I am so glad to see that Jezebel is covering this.

I would not object.

- All of the public allegations against Pogge have, notably, been made by women of color. ALL. ALL. ALL. ALL. Fire his ass now.

“Three white families with K last names annually vacationing together? I wonder what they called themselves in private?? HMMMMMM.”


Now playing

Taylor Lautner is gayer than Sylvester singing “Mighty Real” in sparkly caftan drag in a ‘70s discotheque being watched in ‘10s by a middle-aged queen while looking up sewing tips online and commenting on Jezebel.

Still hoping for Idris Elba, tbh. The world isn’t ready, but who cares.

Has she ever dated someone who wasn’t gay?

Is she supposed to, for some reason?


Gurl, in at least one case, maybe two, you mean her SISTA in his underwear.

Why would you wish her wasp on Men of Color? That’s so rude.

Some of her past boyfriends in their underwear (not chronological):

so am i the only one who thinks the calvin pic is hotter?

Is there an Orange Lagoon? That explains so much.