
“While Vandenburg himself did not physically touch her, he was found responsible for orchestrating the events: namely, asking his teammates to carry her into his room, persuading his teammates to penetrate her, and taping the incident. The prosecution stated that Vandenburg could be heard “giving instructions,

Racist asshole kills a bunch of black people while they attend church using a gun. Homophobic Muslim kills a bunch of gays at a night club with guns. Antisemite kills a bunch of Jews outside a community center with a gun. Multiple psycho guys kill people in dozens of shootings at schools and movie theaters using guns.


If 100, pregnant, newly married, christiab white ladies were mowed down by an ar-15 it wouldn’t change the NRA’s stance.

“It is next to impossible to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon not understanding it!” —Upton Sinclair

I mean, Sandy Hook didn’t get the NRA to change its tune, and its membership likes kindergarteners way more than gay club-goers at Latin Night.

Just read this wiki, pretty shocking the cover up that they attempted. One of the rapists who was charged is STILL playing College Football at another school. This is his Wiki…

Notoriety? I know people who worked with him who are absolutely shattered by his death. He was, by all accounts, a total pro to work with and an absolute sweetheart to be around. I haven’t heard anything different.

Christ, could this disgusting piece of shit look any more like an insufferable douchebag? Just looking at his face I wanna cave it in with a shovel.

What the fuck are you talking about

I dont get this “too drunk to rape” logic anyway. If I get wasted, get behind the wheel of a car, and kill someone it doesn’t stop being a crime because I was drunk, it just becomes negligence. I’ve said it before and I’ll repeat it now. Irresponsible drinking does not absolve you of responsibility for your actions.

You’re right, and no I don’t think women who have been sexually assaulted can be automatically disqualified from sitting on a sexual assault jury. In the case of the mistrial for the Vanderbilt guy, IIRC the foreman lied during jury selection and concealed that he was a victim of stat rape. That is grounds for a

Burn in hell scumbag

“...but after it was discovered that the foreman at the first trial was a survivor of statutory rape, the both cases was overturned, resulting in a retrial.”

Good. Rapists get tried, occasionally. Not nearly as often as I’d like. Victims are tried every time.

I’m getting kind of worried about my apathy. My doctor just upped my meds. I’m taking relatively high doses of Prozac and a somewhat lose dosage of Wellbutrin, but it doesn’t seem to be working too well. One of the reasons why I want to bleach the fuck out of my hair is to see if it jump starts something. Anything

I told you a few weeks ago I was organizing a fund raiser among my college class. It is the first time something like that is done in my Mexican university. We started last week and we are already half way to our goal! People do want to give back to our university. It’s great!

When it comes to an apparent “change” in sexual orientation, each individual’s internal self-narrative of their experience is going to be composed with the kind of thoughts they can think based on their own personal self- knowledge and the kind of understanding they have of themselves. Sometimes this is limited by a