
I would add 1. Using laptops on beds / soft sheets, such that the air intake holes are covered. 2. Using a laptop in hand, and rotating it 90 degrees from the hard drive plane such as to induce a head crash.

@beachgaara: Sports games are always hard to QA. NCAA basketball, for example, probably has about 200 teams in 200 arenas. That's about 1.5 thousand characters to go wrong. There are 9 AI's running on the field, all trying to interact in realistic ways. Getting any one of them to behave intelligently is

A franchise-revitalizing hit in 2011 is better than a fan-losing dud in 2010. While it must have been a painful decision, these guys deserve our support for making the right choice.

@oldtaku: That's the part of this that bothers me: the denial of human nature. "Of course nobody is going to abuse the naked people-vision scanners. Why would anyone want to see naked people?"

@SG-17: Foam is usually defined by some degree of latticework structure and lots of holes. Whatever density it is will be defined by the foaming process, but it will be less dense than normal Titanium.

@kyre: Some of the largest, most expensive bits of software are also the buggiest. 3DS Max, Maya, Flash, Cubase, etc are all multi-thousand dollar pieces of software that are huge, intricate, and generally unstable.

@Xenris: I feel like if he meant "gay space marines" in a derogatory fashion, then I'm deeply offended. But if he just meant overly muscled space marines that would look good in a lineup with an indian, a police officer, and a construction worker, I'd be inclined to agree. After all, what is Army of Two, if not a

@ikaiyoo: Except he taught the computer that nobody wins in war, as extrapolated through Tic-Tac-Toe. This is AI in the 80's we're talking about here. It's also doing that number-by-number code hack thing. In a movie that had been realistic up until that point, it was a bad moment of badly broken illusions.

@Akitsu: As far as I know, they ceased using communication tones like that years ago, long before the movie came out. And the tone boxes tended to give single free calls, not forever. And they changed the system for cellphone use.

@Shokract: It's not that they use real-life terminology, it's that they use them grossly incorrectly, or use meaningless buzzwords. Or the general public picks up quickly how stupid certain parts of the movie is. The Net, for example: having a backdoor as a pi symbol anyone can click on is just dumb. Anyone who

@Tebasaki: Pre-orders can be cancelled for a refund at any time. They are not obligated to provide the game itself, but are obligated to give the amount spent (the receipt looks like $10) in store credit.

@goatonastick: Better is a qualitative judgement call. Better in this case means they spruced up the track a bit with more buildings, overpasses, and interesting visuals. If they did that in real life, the track would definitely look better, as parts are quite sparse. But F-1 tracks are designed to look good from

@HingeThunder: This did take place in a larger discussion about development failures, and TF2 360 is one of those.

@jizMondo: Possibly because being Muslim or being Obama is not considered hate speech. Yet. Or because they hope people actually see that he's not.

@2 replies: I used to do live chat sessions easily over a 14.4 and kermit. How much overhead does ajax add to the equation?

Aside from the tie-to-cellphone thing, this is kind of brilliant. Stick a speed sensor on the front of a billboard aimed out at traffic, and show something appropriate to the amount of time they have for a pitch as people drive by.

"At Nintendo we always have the obligation to surprise users with a new game console,"

@Doople: If you don't know the history, this is the longest confirmed game in active major development by a pretty wide margin. I believe the next longest is 6 years. If this ships in 2011, that will be 14 years. Throughout that time, they've been releasing screenshots, videos, and other development tidbits, to no

@Madness87: I'm glad they're making some moves on the d-pad front. Hopefully they will see the popularity of this, and as their stock of the old controller runs out they'll replace them with the updated version.

@Dominikanfrank: I'd be curious about touchscreen phones with Bluetooth headsets and wireless charging. You could have a completely sealed phone, for total waterproofness.