
Not to be pedantic, but is it really the "Universal Standard" if it is new and supported by only one manufacturer?

Is it "The Future?"

It doesn't look to me like they're doing anything revolutionary from a technical perspective, just that they have very strong art design. Oh, and that everything is Extra Super Glossy.

Didn't they already have an online music store?

And that, kiddies, is why you never, ever, ever create no-bid contracts for anything longer than single disposable encounters. Ever.

How do you make a game with one bullet complicated? While I love the idea of spy party, it should be dirt simple to pick-up-and-play. One guy should have aim and shoot, the other walk, plant a bug, give a folder, try to blend in. This ain't Red Dead Redemption here.

Boo for uncolored buttons (very desaturated would have been pretty and still had color cues), But Yay for finally getting the d-pad working.

@seishino: I should clarify, it seemed vaguely like a setup for crowdsourcing wiki-style blog posts about dynamic news, and consolidating that into subscribed RSS feeds. But that never caught on, as nobody felt comfortable editing other people's posts, and the whole thing was just a bit bloody confusing.

@jiveabillion: It was Google docs but with realtime collaboration. Which Google Docs supports. And a chat-room style interface. Which nothing supports, because it's kind of dumb.

Goodbye ATI. There were a few years there where you were the only real choice for low power, low-noise gaming systems.

@xcalibr: They have the Veyron doing PIT maneuvers. I suspect realistic relative performances will not be an issue.

Considering the industry is already more or less self-regulating, this seems redundant. But I'll directly say that there are games which I'd rather the children's parents had to buy for them. That the person or persons who are supposed to be raising their children should be the ones making that call.

@Phillip Carter: The traditional PSP had rampant piracy problems before the PSPGo. Arguably, the PSP was one of the easiest systems to pirate for, requiring only an off-the-shelf memory stick. Sony admitted that part of the reason for the PSP Go's design was to help counteract that.


@ataggata: Sorry, I meant to reply to the original poster.

@Donkler: It's a free pseudo documentary, following the shooters as they prep and go in for the day of the shooting, framed as a late 80's japanese RPG. Quite frankly, I learned more facts about the shooting from playing the game than watching the television coverage, though I presume the creator is taking a bit of

@Santos L Halper: They actually cut back most of the desired features of Vista because they were sinking money into it. They basically re-wrote large chunks of the underlying OS to support some solid features, ran out of time, and cut the features. Then released something that was just like the previous OS, only

Let's hope more of that billion goes into development than marketing. Their previous Windows phones really could have used it.