
Dude, this is Murakami we're talking about. He has put a naked gentleman swinging a lasso made of man-juice in every major museum in the world. His laughing happy bloody giant faces of death are on the tame scale of his spectrum. He is Mr. That's Wrong, and probably every bit as famous as Britney if not moreso.

@Azel: "When they see how much money we're asking for, those meatbags will undergo ______"

I would like to see them do more to evolve as a company. What you listed out here is nice, but everything seems 100% predictable. RedBox and Netflix were unpredictable, which is why they're thriving and Blockbuster is dying.

"The DMCA isn't working for content people at all."

Struggle to spend the first $100? I struggle to get friends to spend $40 on a not-super-crappy set of cans. Of course, listening to music on a subway will destroy any sense of audio.

I wonder how people claiming to be of the Jedi religion will effect Lucasfilm's control over the Jedi name. Does copyright trump freedom of religion?

@curtisimo: But olympic skaters do choose their skates. Olympic showjumpers do choose their horse. While full-body swimsuits are out, swimmers do get to choose their suit.

@thatK1llZ: Some people have smaller or larger hands than the default controller is comfortable with. Some grew up using different shaped buttons, or have different reaches, etc. Some people just have weird hands that don't work well with the ergonomics of the basic 360 controller. Starting out with an "equal"

@PopandLocke: The rules are that you're not allowed to macro, not remap. These buttons merely allow you to re-map one of the normal face buttons to be a shoulder button as well. Controller makers are allowed to position buttons as they choose.

Would it be british enough if the Taliban drank tea, had bad teeth, baked terrible pastries, and complained about the weather?

He's a secretary of defense. I'd expect him to be sensitive to things like that. Also, I'd expect him to be as knowledgeable about cultural issues as we might be about military tactics.

Why is 70% non-iTunes odd? iTunes is the single biggest drawback to owning any Apple hardware. If you don't have an iPod or an iPhone, there is literally no reason to install iTunes... or rather, there is no reason to install iTunes strong enough to overcome the problem that it is a buggy, slow, overbuilt,

@38thsignal: It's also possible to make helium through Nuclear Fusion. But that's much more expensive than recovering it from the air.

@akuma_619: It would be really funny if Nuclear Fusion ultimately came to fruition as a way of making more party balloons.

@IceIYIaN: I'm guessing this is the biggest, nastiest excel spreadsheet ever. If you presume each move has an overall speed, hit priority, recovery speed, move-cancel frames, damage, input speed, etc. If there are 20 normal moves, and 5 character-specific moves over... say, 20 characters, that's 120 moves.

He has a point. It is, after all, illegal to put historical places in modern media. And I'm sure they've built it recently enough that they still have copyright claims on it.

@Nethlem: We need a PHP script to generate new flash games for Germany to review.

@ThursdayNext: I know lots of iPhone games that struggle to sell 1,000 units across the

While I love / rely upon focus testing for many things, this is why you can't focus test your story. A lack of familiarity is a distinctly important part of a good story. Otherwise it's just a stereotype.

Why do we still have to go buy physical disks? I'd certainly get more games if I didn't have to lug around lots of plastic.