Seinfeld Quote Generator

What the hell are you doing here?

Are you crazy? This is like discovering plutonium by accident!

I invented that.

Rochelle, Rochelle.

See this T-shirt? Six years I've had this T-shirt. It's my best one. I call him "Golden Boy."

I've prepared some science experiments that will illuminate the mind and dazzle the eye.

Alright! That's it for me. Good night, everybody!

So Biff wants to be a buff?

It was edgy. It was not my sort of thing, but some of those people out there, they really liked it.

Alright, Biff.

Everybody has to like me! I must be liked!

Here's your pizza, pea brains.

You don't have to worry about me. I won a contest.

You've changed.

Your views on race relations are fascinating. You really should do an op-ed piece for the Times.

What was the name of that monkey that could read sign language?

Both of them.

Twenty-five years. We DON'T CALL them delInquenT after THAT long.

Why is what I do so important? Why must I be always the focal point of attention? Let me just be. Let me live.

Here's an idea: you coach a gymnastics team in high
school. And you're married. And your son's not interested in gymnastics, and you're pushing him into gymnastics.