Seinfeld Quote Generator

I need a day or two to decompress.

I'm out!

Bania's voice is the voice of a new generation.

This pirate trend that she's come up with, Jerry - this is gonna be the new look for the '90s.

I read.

Well, it was the best of those movies.

Steeped in gayness.

Kirk Douglas. Now there's another very bad driver. But he's such an unbelievable guy, that when he hits someone, he doesn't even leave a note.
He sits in his car and waits for the other person to show up so he can exchange license and registration and apologize.

So you're the Assman.

I'm Kramer.

Huh. Kurt's an organ donor.

Where are the cameras?

He's such a cool guy.

A vacation from ourselves. That's what you said.

Oh my God - the queen is dead.

They're prisons! Man-made prisons! You're doing time!

I'm going to build these different levels, with steps, and it'll all be carpeted, with a lot of pillows.

It's SIMple phySics.

It's Hammer-time!

Well that's all I got.