
I feel a little weird endorsing a water that was rolled out by PepsiCo, but Bubly has some nice clean flavors, and they’re brighter and more carbonated than LaCroix:

I feel a little weird endorsing a water that was rolled out by PepsiCo, but Bubly has some nice clean flavors, and

To be fair, Moving 2018 is vastly improved from Moving 1848. You can still find a backwards compatible version of it, I think it’s called “Oregon Trail.”

I honestly clicked this wondering why the hell they did the “I could have got more out” speech from Schindler’s List in Fortnite...

I find it amazing that Rosenblum was moved at all, let alone enough to try to correct her behavior. I did not expect that.

I think you mean:

Elon Musk has earned the right to get a mulligan on this. Besides, if that guy hadn’t been such a dick to him, none of this would have happened. How the fuck would you feel if you spent a lot of money to help save some kids and then got told to shove your help up your ass?

Have you thought that it might be the other way around? The right seems to have abandoned the values that appeal to the audience of tech blogs. Tech people are into science, and the right is focused on denying science. Tech people are into education, and the right is trying to reduce investment in education. Tech

But why stop there?! Now, this is unresearched, but I’m pretty sure exactly 0 people died from car-related causes before there were cars.

“Pointless!? Bite my shiny Lego ass!” -Lego Bender, probably

-into a volcano

So the takeaway here is essentially: information you share publicly on the internet may be collected by anyone, including people who want to harm you. Not sure that qualifies as a “shocking admission.” Did anyone think that this was NOT the case? That if I list public information online, it cannot be easily gathered

I’m cool with paying Marlon Wayans not to work.

It’s this sort of reflexive defensiveness that makes fandom so offputting to many people. way to zealot, dude

Partly because this could be any mob of any bias. There’s plenty of examples of other groups doing this, from Christian to Buddhists (Myanmar anybody?) He could have just as easily posted a picture inciting unity against hate crimes, but instead uses his platform to stoke outrage at one specific group and further

Can you hear that? It’s the sound of me loudly applauding at my desk. What a perfect response.

Leave pizza out of this.

And THAT is why the general gaming community is the absolute fucking worst. Pisses me off.

Development nightmares aside, a good game was still produced, so the dev process didn’t kill the franchise. Internet trolls and meme culture are what killed it.

Three cheers for toxic fanbases and the inability to be happy with anything. More than any flaws in the game, that’s what killed Mass Effect.

Actually I think it is more of an internet thing letting people complain without repercussions.