Secret Bastard

"Fans of that tearjerker will understand that the comparison is as much a warning as it is an endorsement"

Near the end he also talks about making one more film, so hopefully his retirement isn't quite that final. I feel like that 10-hour a day schedule is precisely what has kept him so fit and formidable, and without it he won't know what to do with himself. No one doubts that he has another one in him.

Heh same here. I had a friend that worked on ABDC and 2 others that blogged about it, so it was in my peripheral vision a lot. She stood out because my friend called her Tiny Grown-Up.

Am I the only one that's still thinking "Wait, what? Cocaine?"


It's not the part that he needed to confess that I'm talking about, though.


Sometimes I post on an iPhone with my big thumbs and I'm happy enough when there aren't periods between every word instead of spaces.

"but there’s still the very important fact that beneath all of the
awkward bravado and obliviousness, Stuart is a good guy with good

I'm sorry to see this go, but "by the numbers" indeed; it's the same formula as every other Gervais/Merchant show. If there would have been a second season, this would have been the Christmas Special.

Remember how Lisa Bonet got shit for being the Difficult one on THE COSBY SHOW?

The Chinese get the last laugh by bootlegging cheap SOA merch before the club gets a chance to patch another Jew to do the books.

This will have to go down as one of the show's biggest failings.

"You're my best friend, Gemma."
"I accept that."

Here's why this show is so good:

If the Dinosaur ad could "leak", couldn't the outtakes from her commercial redo also get out, in theory?

It's incredibly *dumb*, but it's not a new low. Technically he's not even doing anything wrong. He and Alicia have an Understanding.

High Schoolers vape.

Yes but didn't they claim to have changed their style to be less mean-spirited? (Perhaps by necessity when dealing in concepts like SHALLOW HALL and STUCK ON YOU…)

I'd hold up the Farrellys' '90s trilogy as a meridian of modern comedy. Apatow has probably been more influential, but his streak of salient comedies ended at 2.