Yeah it’s weird how people take offense to being personally insulted for their hobbies. Weird!
Yeah it’s weird how people take offense to being personally insulted for their hobbies. Weird!
All the things you listed also contain instances of gross sexual objectification! What gives?
Metal Gear Solid figurines have been created since MGS1. I don’t recall anyone complaining about the literal objectification of the male characters, for some reason.
How can you expect anybody to appreciate movies as an art form when there are so many moviegoers who enjoy buying porn and swimsuit posters?
No, because snuff and child porn result in people getting horribly hurt. This figurine hurts no one.
Correct. So why give ground to them? If internet trolls kept making international news by doing shitty things under your real-life name, would you legally change it? Probably not, since you didn’t do anything wrong. What if people stopped wanting to associate with you, and your friends stopped talking to you, under…
What’s to stop trolls from ruining the new name?
What you’re describing is technically both organized and criticism. Also, masses of people have been demanding Patricia’s firing both on Kotaku and reddit long before GG even existed. You remember the spat with David Jaffe?
True, I mean compare our society to the progressive and superstition-free societies of Russia and China.
Well that’s the thing, the article is wrong. The mirror is not in the restroom, it’s sitting in a storage closet. And how would it help some hypothetical person who’s hanging out in the closet to see through the closet door? I suppose they would have to cross their fingers that a woman would enter the bathroom, open…
Again, it’s not in the restroom, it’s in a cleaning closet. It would have to be, not in a closet for a potential perv to see women in a restroom.
Is there any evidence of that which the article forgot to include for some reason? With the way the mirror is set up, it doesn’t sound physically possible for anyone to abuse. The inside of a cleaning closet seems like a terrible spot for a two-way mirror.
So then why are you exploiting her privacy for money?
Well, it’s great that you don’t use reviews or listen to critics at all, for anything. Most people don’t fit into that camp, find reviews to be useful in their buying decisions, and would like them to stay that way.
A lack of disclosure is a problem, obviously. When you read any article on Kotaku or any game site, you want to be sure that a paid professional is making a recommendation based on the game’s inherent quality, as opposed to the fact that their girlfriend or roommate made it.
There would BE no GG if this was the response Kotaku issued back in August.
This is a well-written, conciliatory admission of wrongdoing that could have prevented GG from even forming, had you issued it in the days following the Zoepost. Instead discussion of the topic was squelched, improper relationships were denied (Patricia being the worst offender, A Hate Story was the first game…
That doesn’t contradict anything in my post. Though, it’s inaccurate to blame collectivist mentalities on religion, since the biggest collectivist societies in history were secular ones. The crusades were quite tame in comparison to the collective atrocities done within communist societies. Clearly there is some other…
Not to mention that all porn is censored in Japan, by law. Despite having a massive porn industry. In China, porn is outlawed altogether. No religious justification as to why, they just feel it’s a corrupting influence for vague reasons. Or rather, humanity is generally squeamish when it comes to sex and they grasp…
Yes, if religion as a whole were removed from the equation, then society wouldn’t have such a kneejerk reaction against homosexuality, and sexual subjects in general.