
As much as everyone is making fun of this, my first thought is that this is a REALLY good idea. We know Kim likes western movies, we know he likes to have his ego flattered, this puts him in a western movie that flatters his ego.

because those people are always assholes

But he does have a point...

Then could you kindly instruct me how how to filter posts related to Elon Musk’s social media usage/non-transportation related products/current significant other stories from my screen and my feeds? Because scrolling past them is really hard on my finger and if my eyes roll any harder while doing so they may just fall

I hate to tell you this Michael. But you’re a racist for assuming jews run the media. You don’t even know if they identify as jewish.

Your style is tired. Give it a fucking rest.

There are no journalists at Gawker so clearly you’re not being targeted. Do we need a reminder of what happened last time you got all hot and bothered by rich guys?

It’s only a dog whistle if you actually mean it that way. If it’s not what a person really means, then the perceiver has simply misread the statement. And there’s not a whole lot of room for interpretation here. I think it’s extremely clear that Musk was operating in a specific context. Topolsky isn’t dredging up that

Idk, is Musk really that wrong? Can any news outlet actually claim to be unbiased? Personally, I don’t think they can.

Seriously, I know Elon Musk is a fucking asshole nutcase, but he was clearly referring to the “powerful people” in the tweet to which he was replying. There’s so much else one can readily critique about his stupid position on creating what would effectively be Verrit 2.0 (but with actual investment behind it,

“Or was it the people who were freaked out, especially Jewish people, because they know that no sane person asks “who owns the media?” without knowing there’s already an implicit answer.”

Politicians are either pro-business or pro-regulation. Trump is the former, Obama was the latter. Every time a President is elected, one side screams how the other is killing America based on their personal views. In three years when a Dem is elected, we’ll get to hear about how businesses are being decimated.

who knew a stock Kia SUV could accelerate that fast and launch like the general lee

I don’t think he meant “girly” as in ‘made by women.’ I think he was using “girly” as a descriptor for music in general no matter who’s making it.

Very clearly the former. It’s a flawed but decent point that he phrased moronically, but that’s a boring thing to write an article about so the writer makes it sound like he said something else.

It must be hard to be so easily offended that you feel like you’re being attacked everywhere you look.

Would a job centered around the attractiveness of men be eliminated because it is based in physical objectification? Eliminating to “protect” women being objectified within it assumes women can’t make up their own mind about employment options, and need men to come in and make sure only “good” jobs are offered. Gotta

Heck, I wish I could be paid to be looked at. Like all of the instagram models.

Came for the picture, not disappointed. PC is killing the world. Guess we should ban Cosmopolitan magazine as well? Was a shirtless guy on the cover on the one my wife received this month and that’s all over supermarkets. I guess little boys that get groceries think that’s all they can be. Come here for cars not for

I swear you people can find outrage in any mundane happening. It's really kind of pathetic