
Member better writing? OOO I member!

Who the hell wants to spend 3 days fighting a boss for what looks like a side quest. That’s just a complete waste of time.

What is your reasoning for this logic?

How would nothing need to be explained? Not everyone reads the comics

Man people on the internet have really shitty tastes in fonts

John Stewart is a boring ass character.

Haha man you must be screaming in joy now

Because the writers for that show suck?

I guess you like corny characters that make dumb decisions that also cry all the time?

Seriously? No Captain Hero?

Um.. did you read what you wrote before you posted it?

Came here for this, did not leave disappointed.

I mean the healers I usually play with understand its a joke, play along and don’t fuck with their actual teammates during battle..

...or it could be because we like iOS better than Android OS? It’s smooth as hell and looks beautiful. Not to mention I don’t need the extra random pointless shit the android can give me. I don’t need like a billion customization options.

I usually love to piss off/troll healers and spam the need healing line. Never ceases to crack me up. Especially if they have a mic.

You just know she’s mentally ill. You just know? Show me, just because she said she is doesn’t make it true. Also which news outlets do you know that treat Lindsey Lohan or Justin Bieber with sympathy? Everyone has disliked them...

How did he not know that? You’re hair is a fairly important part of your identification.

You’re a douche.

Um... I dont think you’be tried weed, or if you did you just started having a panic attack.

I disagree, for most of these videos, there’s a second where the player will be out in the open and go back. It’s like if you got hooked, and he let the chain loose a bit so you can walk around, but then it pulls you back in. The last one was pretty egregious, but the other seemed perfectly fine for me. If they are