
Man, and I though I was bad having kept all my old word processing files back to the early 90s. They can safely life on 1 TB. I don’t feel like a digital hoarder anymore.

because he has an open preference for being the submissive in BDSM situations and has said he rarely engages in penetrative sex.”
Honest to god, I don’t know how much worse the damage of being included on the “Shitty Men’s” list, which was only seen by a relatively small number of people (albeit influential ones)

All anyone has to do is spend a few minutes in the newsroom I work in to see this stereotype is dumb. The women at my newspaper are tough and energetic and through professionals. The list of former reporters I’d hire back in a second is mostly women too.

I covered Capitol Hill as a reporter for a number of years and I always found Sessions to be polite, calm, and gracious in giving his time to answer questions. I also found him to be rather dim.

First story and we have a winner. No others need apply...

If it really was some kind of attempt at parody, the writer failed to heed Harry Shearer’s very wise advice: Comedy should be left to the professionals.

Rage Yoga” pretty much sums up my day at work today.

“I mean, she licked a lot of people, sir. So everyone kind of talked about the fact that she licked people. That’s what she did when she got drunk.”

I can’t even think of what to say about this.

It will be the screenplay for “The Post” with all the occurrences of “Washington” and “Post” hastily scratched out.

I always thought there was something wrong with me because I didn’t find Louis CK even remotely funny - and it seems like everyone I know did. I am grimly relieved to know that I had it pretty much right all along.

I spent some time with this game. Got to about the same point as the author. Enjoyed it a little. Then I decided that I had already played this game - several times over - and went back to No Man’s Sky Next.

It would be too much to say I “Like” his beard, but I do think it is a great improvement. He actually looks mostly human, rather than like Dobbie the House Elf’s even creepier cousin, Ted the House Troll.

My wife is 50 and I think she’s pretty hot still. And anyway, while I admire a 25 year old as much as the next guy, I think it’s creepy at my age to be thinking dirty thoughts about them.

My wife has almost always made way more money than me. And I think it’s awesome. What kind of idiot doesn’t want a well-off spouse?

The Seanibus WeeWee is camera shy, fortunately

So let me get this straight. Elon has invented something that for the hell of it I will call a “subway” and also come up with the idea of a thing that might be called a “one-lane road.” Why didn’t anyone think of these things before?

Maybe I’ll amend the principle to be “Assume that nobody on earth wants to see a photo of your dick - unless they specifically ask for one...”

If men would just start from the perfectly reasonable premise that nobody actually wants to see photos of our dicks, the world would be a better place.

I sorta wish they had stuck with the old cartoon-era Aquaman vibe, because we have the perfect person to play the old-school Aquaman: Mike Pence:

Actually, having done both things, I can say that Parenting While Hungover is #2 on the bad list. #1 is working in a deep-dish pizza restaurant kitchen while hungover is far worse. Kids do, at least take occasional naps and sometimes do cute and rewarding things. A 750 degree pizza oven just makes you sweat out the