Wow, thanks! I feel like a better person for having read this.
Wow, thanks! I feel like a better person for having read this.
Maybe he isn’t being completely truthful??
It’s all about what makes the most money, pure and simple. It’s a business.
I can believe it. When I talk to younger people involved in social movements and they know squat about Ghandi or MLK it’s frightening.
I got a free Costco membership and I paid for a Sams Club. Sam’s has a better hot dog for the same price and I was not impressed with the price or quality of the Costco meat and produce. The produce cooler was always fruit fly city. There must be something I missed. Maybe it’s the booze?
This isnt a problem if you teach your kid that no is no.
The guy in that picture is a perfect representation of why I can’t stand most pot smokers.
So is the store bought labeled as broth or stock?
If at McDonalds: Big Mac sauce
I would be more concerned with the person using the words.
Words can’t hurt you guys and a person’s choice of them can tell you more than they mean to communicate.
Thanks, i will have to call them. They dont list dry aged meat on their website and I can’t find an email.
Where are you finding dry-aged meat in MN?
Unless you live in a city with a bunch of city employees with lots of extra time on their hands, this is a joke. The only way the city will notice or care is if your business is creating a disruption or someone rats you out. Then they need to prove you are doing what they claim. They have the burden of proof.
This will get settled out of court for an undisclosed sum.
Well she has proven she can have a career without talent.
And running into traffic will mess you up as well.
Isn’t this the type of thing that benefits from experience? The more you do it as you get older, the better you get? This is like saying that 12 year olds are better at walking than 2 year olds.
Why would anyone ask Moby? His opinion is not any more valid than anyone else’s.
This is callous but logically sound. I would be interested to see the ethnic breakdown of the people killed by police in Kern County.