
Not even touching on the hydrogen aspect, he’s got images of what look like geared turboprops but the vehicle design uses sunken turbofans exhausting out of flat outlets, which work great if you’re trying to diffuse exhaust for a stealth platform but that’s wasted energy in an airliner. The wings aren’t big enough,

Yeah...I’m going to have to disagree on that particular point. This guy drew what looked like a cool airplane and then stuck words around it in such a way that suggests he doesn’t actually know what they mean.

My apologies for sharing some interesting information with you.

Hey, houses where I live are selling for over $500k, (1500 sq ft) cars cost over $30k. My wife and I are in the top 5% of earners for Miami Dade county and our total car debt is like... 25k. My fun car is paid off long since, and the only reason I have it is because I daily a 20 year old truck. My wife has a 2015 GTI

I find it amusing that this report comes out a day or two after Torch decides to basically call everyone who buys an SUV/CUV an idiot for not buying a hatch instead. While it may seem like a silly thing, this is a real, valid, rational reason to buy a vehicle that is higher off the ground.

There’s a lesson here in reading articles thoroughly and completely before commenting on them...

Are you functionally illiterate or something?  It is abundantly clear from the article that he didn't cosign anything and the bank made an error

Tell that to all the farmers who lost their land to pipelines built for foreign companies. The US uses eminent domain where it sees fit and there’s virtually nothing people can do about it.

That’s generally applicable to the fact that rural roads are much more dangerous than highways and city streets.

A poisonous combination of a certain movie franchise and politicians encouraging people to be of the “Ah’ll do whut ah want” mindset, that is why (even though we’re a little down this year) we are still up from a few years ago. Life in this timeline sucks.

Peter Capaldi is just the best! I love that all of the actors who’ve played the Doctor really seem to take on the responsibility of being ambassadors to the show’s kid fans.

How is the best Twelfth Doctor episode not “Heaven Sent”? That thing was a masterpiece! :)

If that was the case he’d never have given Bottas back the place at Hungary last year at a time when everyone was saying that could cost him the title. Of course it became academic after Ferrari’s first (and seemingly now annual) post summer break implosion.

Why are you giving Vettel a pass? He has demonstrated for years that his ego is as fragile as anyone’s.

The counter arguments to “climate change” are not without compelling facts

It’s just cognitive dissonance - but that’s been going for a while. Trump and politicians say “chinese hoax”, state department and DoD prepare for climate change because they are reality-based.

I take you saw the Tucker Carlson interview with Bill Nye where Tucker was trying to say that he thinks climate change is real, but we don’t know how much humans contribute so we can ignore it. He pressed Bill to give the percentage of climate change that humans are causing. This is both a ridiculous and misinformed

his generation will be dead before it happens.

China already is. They’re a leader in solar and are pushing electric vehicles hard. Sure they are still a big polluter, but much of the country is developing yet. They have very aggressive plan in motion with goals outlined through 2030