
The problem is, is Tesla a consumer electronics company, or a car company? If consumer electronics, then having a high cap value with low profit is okay (temporarily). If they’re a car company, with typical P:E ratios of 5:1 through 10:1, their stock is overvalued spectacularly.

Sadly whenever he tried that in Jersey, he went bankrupt.

Nice photo of "the world's largest four cylinder" .

Before my folks came to the U.S. In 1959, my father worked at the Kaiser-Frazer factory in Israel.

Came for this. Someone had to have a sense of humor using a Space:1999 reference.

In their eyes its a feature, not a bug.

Except denying access to undocumented immigrants isn't a decent/indecent test.  There are indecent citizens (Mr. Scott).  There are decent undocumented immigrants everywhere.


I hope he’s burning over the astonishing $205 billion federal deficit LAST MONTH.  

Price is the issue. You can buy a nice luxury car for the differential between a 100kwh and 200kwh.  And you can buy a nice private plane for the future cost of an 800kwh.

Gonna need a lot of AAA batteries to charge that up.

2016 Model year...

This might have been the most surreal of the New Who era, but in my mind the most surreal classic episode blows this away by a country mile. The deeply weird “The Web Planet” featuring the Zarbi, with almost Ed Wood levels of bad cinematography takes the prize. To me the worst thing about it, it was just this close to

You are making a serious historical mistake.  The sixties "revolution" had next to nothing to do with the civil rights movement, it had to do with Vietnam.  And there were a lot of right wingers who protested the war alongside the liberals.  

Agreed.  That was the least logical post imaginable.

Blanket statements like this are logically impossible to defend.  You aren't even wrong...

Israel was created by UN resolution 181.

Israel’s existence is codified by several United Nation’s resolutions.  Your point is rather foolish unless you believe that people can't craft any laws governing themselves.

You’re spamming... I’m sorry to inform you that a six pointed star inscribed within a circle will always have the same exact proportions. IT IS A BASIC GEOMETRICAL SHAPE!

Was going to write precisely this...