Howard Stern is a pig. I fail to appreciate his "insights" or his "humor."
Howard Stern is a pig. I fail to appreciate his "insights" or his "humor."
@Calisee: I cannot for the life of me see what people find interesting in this woman. She's even far less compelling the Heidi what-her-facc on the Hills.
Idaho here. We have a history of anti-government communes. It's not pretty.
@FrescaFreeze: I buy stuff and take it home. If it doesn't fit, I return it.
Wasn't Ron Jeremy a porn start? As I recall, he was rather short, balding and ... shall we say ... dumpy. Not a sculpted Adonis.
@bobella: Assholes like this make me ashamed of my profession.
@scootermom: Oh, dear.
@Voltairine: How about a drug for me that encourages them to pay child support?
@betabiter13: Amen. Parents can love you and raise you, but they don't get to decide what you become as an adult.
About half my friends have kids. And yes, they talk incessantly about very uninteresting things.
I heard the same thing. People would smile and say, "You'll change your mind." I never did. I'll be 50 next month and my husband and I have enjoyed 20 great years of child free marriage. No regrets.
@DarbyShaw: I'm blaming those darn illegals! They are mostly from warmer climates, so it must be them driving the demand for AC.
@RamonaQuimbyAge8: The Columbine is the state flower of Colorado.
@BuffySummers: A bad-ass lawyer who does good and seeks publicity is a fair description of many male lawyers who are considered to be quite successful. Why is Gloria treated differently?
@CandyBacon: Gotcha. It's the fault of "skeezy" women. Guys are just guys.
@SnideySense: Translation: I can do whatever I want to, but you can't because then you wouldn't be good enough for me.
@HeartRateRapid: Those women are at risk of making an informed, moral decision for themselves.
@GunwallsLizzie: "Sure I like to post offensive stuff, I just don't want to be held accountable when people are offended!"
@gherkinfiend: Ugh. Glad he's in your past.
@RenoDakota: Shocking, but not uncommon. I worked on a couple cases where female inmates in rural jails were passed around like toys. The female inmates had no one to complain to because all the jailers, including the commanders, were in on it.