
I fixed it. We need to go deeper.

There are many racists and/or misogynists that deal with minorities/women, especially married to them.

Funny thing is that Vice City (GTA version of Miami) is rumored to come to GTA Online some time in the future.

And for anyone making racist comments?

Tactile glorified popsicle sticks

Chevy will use an emoji.

I think Hammond was joking that both (all?) of May’s arms were already broken because old.

The “jyeah” makes this even better.

Not all stations have gaps like this. In all the stops I frequent, I rarely see gaps big enough for a person to fit in.


Apple confirmed to Yahoo News that it is aware of the claim and is investing the fire

The Sebring taillights really tie it all together.

It’s way less cloudy up there than in midtown. It’s almost like a different state.

:( I was working on a ‘shop this whole time

Gawker/Gizmodo is in NYC

CAA helped our AAA butts put our spare wheel on.

Comic Sans Best Sans.