
How did Orlove not know this?

I know what my club would look like:

It’s obvious you can’t spell “Eve” without the “Ev” that’s in “Kevin”, so therefore you are correct.

$649 I believe.

You mean The Ben Collins.

Under where?

He’ll be upside down, of course.

I root every phone I get so I’m good there.

Yeah I’ve been looking at a couple of years-old cards and used ones as well. Would have to upgrade absolutely everything though.

I’d be fine with lower graphics; I’ve played Arma 3 on the lowest of low settings @ 15-30 (pretty much never hit 30) FPS ever since it came out 3 years ago, same with GTA V.

*Broke college student*


I just watched that episode again last week.

I mean, you just called a GTX 960 “measly.”

How anti-climactic revving and launching would be!

I will always want one of these.

Thank you McMike.

And CT. Well, just about everywhere.

Fuck everybody, including ourselves.