

*Slow clap*

Couldn’t he have just sped up and slammed the brakes on some runoff?

Haha if someone calls me oriental I’m gonna do this too.

Normally I prefer “clean” looking cars but, man, that white one with the red top is great.

Wonder how many tries that took.

Username checks out.

Should’ve clarified, sitting like that doesn’t sound comfortable at all.

How the hell...

Given how exciting WEC is, I like this idea.


Thank you for admitting that. I’ll dismiss that comment if you want. And also, thinking all white people are privileged is also racist. And fwiw, I don’t believe in the “minorities can’t be racist” BS.

I understand not taking everything so seriously but if all POC ignored all these cheap shots and whatnot, then it would keep happening. Sure, some will say to ignore them and they’ll go away, or getting mad about them makes them true. But since there are probably just a handful of Asians or whoever on here, it does kee

It is not a “throwaway joke” when this happens so frequently on such a large scale, and I’m not saying just you. Literally every single time there’s an article about Russia or China or wherever, this crap pops up.

Attention? I want recurring attention every few months?

- Makes racist “jokes”

I thought Opponauts were better than this. I guess not.

Their loss.

Your last sentence is far too much work for the average person.

Where’s Stef