
Nobody died (maybe), so guess away.

Think you got the wrong blog. This is JALOPNIK, which is about anything with wheels and/or engines...not NON WHEELED AND/OR ENGINED crap. Just an FYI and a “wake-up” for ya.


YouTube American accidents. YouTube British accidents. Same shit.


This is why I never ride the D. The D is just a huge painful inconvenience.

Man, that guy should change the wiring harness!

I am!

Because Kinja’d

Alternatively, HOGAN.

They’re New Balances. Nobody cares about your New Balances. Those are the shoes of Middle School.

Wow, I’m sorry it took me nearly a whole year to see this. I just got a recommended notification for that top comment so I came back to see this.

No, it looks creepy. And has a creepy smile.

I still can’t even with the car’s face, not that I will ever own one.

Found the (fellow) Jalop!

Because the mosquitoes were all like “dayum!