
Needs some numbers and random characters in there too.

Loser back home + yellow fever = sexpat/”English teachers”/losers like this

Stop lying.

B-but... you... your nam... your avat...

That would Escalade the situation for sure.

I got a letter, but not just one. I got ten!

3.8-liter twin-turbo V8 engine. That would make for more than 700 horsepower and a top speed of over 200 mph.

Have small mind, will gladly be racist.

I love you.

No, you’re a dog.

How would you know?

Where does iDrive fit in this?

You win.

He spent all his money on his Ferraris.

I’m 19 and I’m surprised no one’s talking about that point.

Nah, vertical video isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, sadly.

Photoshop Fuckerier should be a job title.

Or his Chinese third removed cousin: Alex Moy.

Your mom went to college. :D