
It may have something to do with Fox Sports Asia is one of CPBL’s broadcast partners.

I would call this an epic fail, but that seems too simple, and not nearly racially motivated enough. Perhaps we shall call this a “Trumpian Fail.”

It's a start, but can we just act like the Cardinals and the worst fans in baseball never existed to begin with?

I had a similar thing happen about a year ago, although it didn’t happen in public or require surgery, the pain was unbelievable. When the swelling got to about tennis ball size I thought I may be losing one of them, and honestly, if it meant the pain went away I would have been ok with them taking the thing out on

Presidents of most unions and most companies are the most dangerous assholes in this country. - Fixed it for you.

The difference here is that the foul isn’t being committed against the active participant (ball handler) but rather just one of the other guys on the court because he’s a bad free throw shooter.

But don't worry, he cut funding to the University of Wisconsin school system by $250 million a year to make up for it. See, he's got his priorities!

I'm pretty certain this is my all time favorite comment, here or anywhere else. Well done, +1 chimichanga.

Yeti is white, Bigfoot is brown. Therefore, Yeti can’t jump.

Don't worry, misfires happen to the best of us. Better at the strip club than the playground.

This isn't even his most racist tweet about Ali. What I piece of shit.

Fuck Grayson Allen.

“We’ll pay $501"

Is it weird that the US city is the shitty one of the list?

He may be past the point of wooing if he needed a box of condoms.

I can get onboard with the micro-brew love. Plus I live in Madison, I have very little grounds to make fun of Portland when it comes to weird citizens.

Oh cmon. No one in Portland gives this big of a damn about anything but flannel or beard oil. If they did they may have more than the Blazers.

Finally! Somebody who understands the lunacy of NBA basketball. I hate this league and their playoffs are the worst. Wake me up in August when it's finally over.

Oh come on, he’s a good 4 months away from his next scheduled hospital stay...

Not a big fan of the NBA but something about this makes me a Draymond Green fan. I will be joint the Warriors bandwagon for the foreseeable future.