
The joke isn't about beating my wife (which isn't funny).

The joke is about me having nothing masculine left except for violence (which is sad).

"Hey, you're black, Beyonce's black, so you're basically the same person, right?"

Separate the cat and the baby and keep them separate until the cat calms down and/or eventually learns to tolerate the kid. Maybe it's a pain in the ass, but that's something you should probably consider when you decide to have both pets and children. If you can't handle the responsibility of caring for something

Call me crazy, but the only thing I take away from this is: poor cat. Why did the father even let the cat near his 7 month old baby? More like shitty parenting. Not to mention, there are proper ways to discipline a cat, which do not include kicking it hard in the back. For a cat to lose it like that, I can assure you

It was so funny, it makes you forget Obama's "fuck 'em all" deportation record and his hard-on for drone strikes on innocent wedding parties.

Jesus Christ. Excuse me while I go rethink LIFE.

sorry about your limited knowledge about human psychology but being unable to react is common behaviour for humans in a situation of traumatic experience.

Yay, he said something to destigmatize autism!

What I find alarming in this discussion is that it encourages people to say nonsense just as (paraphrased): "Oh yeah, didn't you know that all Italians are racist??? I've lived there for whatever time and I met all Italians that exist in Italy there and they were all racist as fuck!!!!!!11"
In what way is this kind of

Wow. This is mind-bendingly insulting to people on at least three continents.

"His insecurity is just so masculine. I love it."

Personally I like K€sha.

"We're all equal, everyone is equal so why is there even a conversation about race? What is the white people's version of intersectional oppression? There isn't a word for it. There's no reason for it. Whiteism. Pale-ism. It doesn't exist."

I have no opinion of Lea Michele. I don't watch Glee and I don't give a single shit about musical theatre. I'm nobody's fangirl. But I can't help but recognise that there is something fundamentally foul and inhuman in insinuating that someone whose partner has recently died in horribly tragic circumstances is a liar

Oh fuck me, I'm Team Miley.

I'm glad SOMEBODY is speaking up for Diaz. I mean, she didn't look bad to me at all in this. I think she'll be great and yeah, Bad Teacher is a perfect example of how good she can be with the right material.

Oh good. I'm glad you've now made breastfeeding about you, too, dudes.

Yep. The most pro-breastfeeding thing my husband ever did was to regularly fetch me my 3am ice water and granola bar while I sorted out the wee milk vampire.

Now playing

Is it stealing if you borrow a book from a friend? How about if you listen to a song in the car from a friend? What if you rip a CD from a friend, is that theft? If you have a movie night at your house and your kid has a friend over, is that theft for your kid's friend to watch it? Let's say you listen to Spotify

I think we could do with less barbarism in the world, not more.