Pretty sure it's up to Lupita and she says Kenyan and Mexican. So end of discussion.
Pretty sure it's up to Lupita and she says Kenyan and Mexican. So end of discussion.
I don't get Gravity winning Cinematography, since they didn't even have much to begin with (same with Life of Pie last year), but I can't complain otherwise. I was annoyed that Act of Killing and The Hunt didn't win, though.
*ugly crying*
Ellen is bombing so badly tonight. Also, is this the most awkward, word stumbly Oscars ever? I don't think one person has delivered their little spiel without fucking up.
This kind of crap makes me so angry.
My brother is adopted from South Korea. Before he came, he contracted Tuberculosis which developed into meningitis, causing cerebral palsy. We didn't find out the extent of his illness before he arrived in Canada.
My parents actually had people ask them "Why didn't you send him…
Also, I wouldn't call these 'micro aggressions'. These are aggression-aggressions. >:(
If I had the net worth of Mrs. Kanye West, my reaction would be "eh, I can make that sitting on my ass collecting interest, royalties, and residuals for a week. I think I'll pass on having to get groped by some creepy old billionaire."
Um, except serve as a dipping medium for french fries?
Let me tell you, our population in South Dakota is a lot more diverse than it ever was
Also, while you're at it people, please refrain from comparing it to FGM.
Sorry but this is a load of bullshit, and the people who are defending this idiot are sticking their heads in the sand about trans issues. The fact is that most cis models are tall and thin with narrow hips, and pretending like it's a problem when all of sudden trans women with the same fucking body features enter the…
I'm trans. Last time I measured, I had a 32" waist and 46" hips, so Tim Gunn can kiss my giant, shapely ass.
Well this will be a fun story when the kid grows up.
It strikes me as possibly a manifestation of mental illness and as someone with mental illness running in her family, which my family chose to ignore for a generation, I actually do care.
Makes sense; anyone who says Kim should be sixth overall either slept through the event or has a screw loose.
That's one of the more upsetting parts of these stories to me... there is nothing in the Bible that says, "Uh, yeah, any modern technology you may develop is an abomination in my eyes, so you totes shouldn't use it to save your innocent child's life."
I believe in God and my faith is a very important part of my life. But if I ever had to make a decision that came down to my kids or my God, well....pretty sure He can take care of Himself.
You should STFU for real unless you've dealt with this level of abuse. Homegirl did exactly what she needed to do for her healing and it's pathetic anyone would think " respect for the dead" should rank higher. Go piss on her grave for all I care.