
I got your back. I love prince, lord knows I do. But, I agree with you.


Man, I used to jam rehab. It came up on my Playlist this weekend and I was just smh.

I was an early bird in high school and college (band practice hours were brutal). When I was having breakfast and getting ready to go degrassi and mummies alive was the only thing on TV. Also, I didn't have cable until I transferred to PV so…

As a person who watched degrassi every morning while getting dressed for high school. I have never been able to take drake seriously. I jam the songs that are jam worthy (this excludes any song where he is "singing" or just whining in general) and go on about my business. Because he will always be Jimmy brooks to me.

They don't do naturals?

The only time I have one minute hair is when my bantu knots came out perfect the day before and I slept like an angel the night before. Then I can just take my pineapple down and live my life. Or if my hair is flat ironed and wrapped. Otherwise, I have to carve out at least 20 minutes to create some sort of style.

One time, this guy that I had been talking to yelled at me in front of all of our friends because he thought my outfit was provocative. (Jeans, tshirt and flip flops btw). I left and ignored his calls from then on. Found out the next day that one of his friends commented on my figure in aforementioned blue jeans and

This! And they think everything is OK because they treat me with respect. But, dude, if you don't respect every woman, that's an issue. You can't treat me like a queen, while I watch you treat a girl you slept with some months ago like garbage and call her names. That's not funny.

It blows me away that people still say that after all of the things he's done that blatantly prove he has an anger/rage problem. And a problem with women. Does he need to murder a woman for people to wake up? Same goes for other abusers. People will use magnifying glasses to find an excuse for an abuser.

The young lady that was killed because she turned a guy down was my worst nightmare come true. When my friends ask me why I give every guy that asks my number and just block them later, I couldn't really articulate why. But, that was it. Because, more than once I've been threatened and frightened to the point where I

I know. I was feeling it until I saw that white woman.

I don't either. Sometimes you can give your child a good upbringing and every opportunity and they can still turn out like this. It's a scary thought.

So, will Darth bow wow be added to the vsb vocabulary or…

Wait, what sevyn do?

I imagine him being friends with people just as delusional as he is.

How does one end up this lost? Where is his mother?

If I were his mother, I would feel like a complete parental failure.
Or I would have been like raven Symone's dad issuing statements "we did not raise our child like this. I don't know where she gets these ideals."

So, did he just wake up one day and decide that he wanted to identify with his 1/16th white father?

Probably a mixture of both. Outside of the dance world I am very conservative and modest when it comes to attire. I don't begrudge other ladies who like to show off the high beams but I would never. I don't even buy leotards that don't have some sort of panel or lining for the girls.