
Buys a single speed for its purity, and simplicity....Adds a butt-ton of complicated, unnecessary and obnoxious accouterments.

I wonder if they could use that leftover heat when condensing to further generate electricity with thermocouples?

What if You are the person people are trying to avoid??

except there are many, better, options for scanning negatives.

Good question, I was shocked when I saw that too

Have you tried the 3.0's? the number correlates to the millimeters of drop from heel to toe, so 5.0=5mm drop 4.0=4mm drop....

it was a blast to read

Awesome! I had no idea that happened. Thanks for the info, all these years and I've never done it, never questioned it, and now I know why.

I feel like a lot of these are pessimistic views of actual counter durability. And eggs? 2 hours? Really?

I walk by this building everyday! didn't realize the radiator repair place went out of business, I should pay more attention :/

well done


fantastic visual!

valid argument.

Sweet light, what's with the lumpy sleeping pad on the floor, does not look supportive. I really hope there is a mattress underneath. Silly Swede's and their sleeping habits.

Any recommendation as to those oils? My scalp tends to get pretty itchy, especially in the winter time.

say what?!

^has never priced out tailor's shears

You can't even buy the kits yet?