
I don’t know if I would have made it during segregation. my mouth and passion about having my rights would have been the death of me.

Deleters never win and winners never delete.

I didn’t listen so that the carpenter one can still get it.

Aw, why so cynical? Great charity, and good try Mr. Prime Minister.

Is it just me, or does Amy Schumer look like one of the Team America World Police puppets?

Alright here’s the thing: in the general scheme of things I am the Tyler of the grandparents that the Twerp currently has. I am the one that refused to be called by the G word and chose Nonah instead. Kid couldn’t say Nonah and so I ended up being “Donut” which I like that much more. (Fried cake! Bullshit, what’s not

As a sixty year old woman, let me say in the kindest way possible, STFU.

I’ve noticed a spike in aggressive commenting here lately. Like ‘well that escalated quickly’ kind of way. What even is this comment?

I don’t understand this.

I was so adamant about not body shaming, and celebrating our natural processes. Pooping is great! Isn’t it great that our bodies are these efficient machines that can take care of waste? Yay, bodies!

I think it’s a time zone thing? Not to defend Kim but... Yeah to defend her

Actually, for a far more accurate definition, the plural of penis is a party.

It's widespread by definition.

Color Me Surprised! Now that’s a name for a dating site! Randomly generated matches, what could go wrong!? *

I’m a scientist, so I constantly have to convert back and forth between the metric system and freedom units.

I bought three different types of yeast infection treatment, a giant bottle of wine, a tub of ice cream, and a new pair of undies at Target one night. I saw an ex with my basket full of sad lady things and then the checkout lady gave me the most judgmental look I’ve ever gotten. I signed the key pad “Yeasty

Explain how fancy skin suction fixes infections in the respiratory system. Be warned, though. If you use the word “toxins” I will use my voodoo graveyard dust and curse you so all off your eyelashes fall out and never grow back.

So we all agree that he went out and had a copy made, right?

PLUS changing the name of Mister Mistys to Arctic Rush or whatever. You will always be Mister Misty to me dyed sugar ice w/ artificial flavoring!

An entirely reasonable comparison that any reasonable person would draw.