
I'd forgotten about the gun too. I thought it was a reference to Elliot's dad getting popcorn at the movies.

So teen pregnancies are the ultimate Scandanavian way to rebel.

After the "beat up the homeless guy" scene, Tyrell strangling a woman to death didn't seem like a twist to me at all, but you know, eye of the beholder…

Yes. I went to Rome once with a bunch of Central Americans, and they had tons of conversations with Italians in exactly that way.

I thought he looked younger too. In the picture of Slater with Elliot on the bike, his hair and stubble is dark brown, not the lighter mix of brown and grey we see now.

I had this crazy thought that maybe the Mr. Robot we've been seeing up until now was Elliot's dissociative alter, but that the Mr. Robot that knocked on Elliot's door at the end is real.

Thanks, Alex, for the great review.

This is the first episode that's brought me close to the "Mr. Robot is a figment/alter ego" camp. How can Elliot's father be real when he's been dead for years? But that almost seems to easy now. Wow, that was amazing.

I think Elliot's confession is the flip-side of what he says about Krista at the beginning of the episode: "She wants more from me, but she doesn't believe in me." Elliot would give anything for Krista to actually help him, but he doesn't see any evidence that she can.

I'm also think his mom may have emotionally and possibly a little bit sexually abused him by making him play the role of surrogate husband when he was a kid—while constantly reminding him that his birth ruined her career. That would have messed with his masculinity in all kinds of ways, making it harder to accept his

Did anyone else think that Norma slept with Dr. Ugh in order to have leverage over him and his therapist license? After spilling the secret to Dr. Ugh that seems to me like the kind of coping-ahead that Norma would do.

Though the premise that a parent would take his sick daughter from a country with modern, universal healthcare to live in the country with the most expensive and least accessible healthcare system in the developed world makes no financial sense to me. And it's not like he got a job in the states that came with great

So let's fan-logic/wank this: Emma's dad was a professor in Manchester. It's entirely likely that most University of Manchester profs were born and bred somewhere else, so a Welsh/whatever accent is totally reasonable.

OMG. Dear God, please make this happen.

I'm from Ohio. We consider Missouri "the South."

I've started fast-forwarding through all the Velcoro-free scenes of Frank, and all the scenes concerned with Paul's personal life. I find the show is much more engaging that way. I'm actually kind of interested in the mystery plot. I wish the writers were too.

The Emmy voters would rather give a stunt nod to a wretched network show than publicly admit that they all binge-watched Daredevil

Fair enough.

We were going to give them twenty-four hours to leave town, but given that they nominated Homeland, I think we can safely say that they drew first.

So much this!