
You're right about Jane. People tend to ignore the actor playing the straight man, no matter how subtle, skilled and comedically essential their performance is. But hey—a nomination for a woman over 70 who isn't Betty White still feels a little like a good thing.

Torn between deeply-held conviction that the Emmy's are stupid and inexplicable ecstasy that All The Tatianas are nominated! Viva la Cloneclub!

I laughed with you.

Last season was watchable. But not nomination-deserving. But once the Emmy's embrace a show, they have difficulty letting go, no matter how steep the decline in quality.

I thought Jon did explain it to them. Did I hallucinate that scene? My impression was that John explained it but the rest of the watch couldn't get past their hatred of the Wildlings to see the logic of Jon's argument. Though to be fair, the Wildings did just try to kill them all, so letting bygones be bygones has got

My mom, who never watches GOT, was watching with me and was horrified. I kept saying: "I know it's terrible, and I'm not saying they should do this to anyone—but she's actually a horrible person, and she's the one who put these people in power so that they would do this and worse to her son's wife."

They had scissors in the middle ages, but I think they were spring-based rather than hinge-based. They look more awkward to use in the manuscript illustrations. I think modern scissors were invented in the 18th or 19th century, but I won't swear to it.

Thank you for typing this so I didn't have to!

For me, watching the arrow-chick/sociopathic mean-girl go splat was the highlight of the season.

Bryan Fuller's way of messing with us?

I was suspicious from the beginning, but what gave it away for me was the scene with Pazzi on the carabineri stairwell. The way Will self-consciously dropped his grin and Abigail slipped away as Pazzi came down the stairs confirmed for me that 1) Abigail was Will's imaginary friend and 2) Will was fully aware of her

I don't think the explosive trap was complicated. It's a military-medical facility. I suspect it was pretty easy to pick-up a grenade and some oxygen tanks on the way to Coady's office. Not sure how the tanks were supposed to work, though. If he'd already opened the valves you'd think the gunshots would've started a

R.I.P. Justified, BTW. Went out on a high note, but you'll still be missed.

Okay, I'm just guessing, but Life?

"Almost one of the show's charms"? Just "almost"?


While I appreciate the shirtless-Renard storylines, I do feel like the writers could make an effort to spread the disrobery wealth around. As for the sound fx, I was having a tough time telling whose what was crunching when.

Yeah, superkid's affective weirdness is still an open mystery. Although my pessimistic guess is that the writers were too busy using her as a plot device to think it through.

I am totally on board for some African or Asian monarchical psychopaths! Let's have some diversity in our murderous rich people!

Look, Juliette-fans and Adalind-haters, I'm sorry you had a rough episode/plotline. I don't empathize, because, hey, I kinda am one of those "sick" Adalind/Nick shippers. But I sympathize, I really do, because we all know how it sucks to see a character you really love killed or to watch a character you loathe get a