
Can't wait until Trubel throws her blood- and Wesen-goo-soaked black jeans into the wash with Adalind's white and light-colored lingerie! Or drops her dirty machete on the coffee table! It'll be like Three's Company, but with infants and severed heads!

"This whole telling people things that make them feel better is so tricky! How do humans do this all day?!"

I assumed that the potion was long-lasting, because it seems so difficult to make, and Adalind sold it as a way for Juliette to have a normal life. But maybe I was over-reading between the lines. Or Adalind was talking out her ass, because we all know that's never happened before.

Well, Adalind does need a new career, and I bet she'd make a terrifying realtor.

Yeah, Viktor's death does seem likely, if only because murder seems to be the Royal's go-to response whenever they experience disappointment. Or any other negative emotion, like pique, mild discomfort, ennui. Not a family much interested in "using their words," if you know what I mean.

Given the Royal's general enthusiasm for excessive collateral damage, I don't see how any of the neighbors are still alive. They didn't wear masks, so the neighbors saw at least one version of some of their faces, and I can't think of a single instance where the Royals and their minions have left bystanders alive when

Somehow I'm sensing that the Queen was the really competent one in that marriage.

As for Sean being slow on the uptake, hey, realizing you just murdered three (relatively) innocent women can slow that whole cognition thing down for a while.


Still bitter about Henrietta? Yeah, us too.

To piggyback, yes, thanks Les! For the great reviews and for remaining calm while we waved our torches and pitchforks in defense of Truble.

It may be that the spousal abuse list is a little longer in the Wesen community.

It's not Evil Lincoln's fault. It's the spell talking!

In retrospect, they probably should have just met at the therapist's office.

I meant a neutral, heavily armed couples' counselor. Though I take your point.

Well, we know Josh is still alive. Maybe his status as a living, breathing person is dependent on Trubel cooperating with Chavez.

I was on the same page with the phone call, with mixed emotions. On the one hand, I was yay, because maybe Kelly's still alive! On the other hand, boo, because I want to see what happens when Nick's world is smashed against the wall like a fragile snowglobe!

That whole conversation was one they shouldn't have attempted without a couples' counselor present. A heavily armed couples' counselor.

And man, we don't know if moldy Zauberbiest corpses would even work, so you would only have half your dead family to harvest for new potions.

She's still a Hexenbiest, but I think the suppression of her powers is permanent. The potion wouldn't be much use if you had to dig up another relative every couple months.