

I'm 39 an know what it's for, maybe because my first car was a 1980 GMC Sierra Classic pickup.

Making her "V" face.

El sigh.

Is that E. T.?

Flat bottom steering wheels, you make the WRX go 'round.

Sadly, the only transmission mentioned is a six-speed automatic. I hope a manual becomes an option too at some point.

During the California power crisis in 2000-2001, the idea was floated (pun intended) of harboring nuclear subs outside Long Beach, San Diego or San Francisco to provide more power during critical times of shortage.

"I've got some oceanfront property in Arizona"

Where are the shades?

¡Gracias y tenga un día A-1!

Hey! What do you think you're doing?

Hello, dent!

Actually, the U.S. is now the world's largest producer of oil:

What does this accomplish? I'm assuming that is the fuel line; cooling the intake air, or heating up the fuel?

I'm not in danger, I am the danger.

Probably my Nikko Dictator R/C car from the mid-1980s. It had two electric motors and was AWD. I modified it with street tires and had rebuild one of the gear boxes and replace the body, so I became very familiar with how it went together and how to source spare parts.

Yay, pollution!


I love how the wheel melted like frosting onto the drum.